Hello there to all that find my blog useful and inspirational. My passion for finding the right stuff for that special day is at an all time high right now. I don't want to lose sight of it so I will be sharing what I find and what inspires me as I journey into blog land. Wedding bliss and creative wishes to you all!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


YES! was all i could think of when the long awaited, most precious question ever, was asked of me.....yes, yes, yes! I found myself so absolutely certain of my answer as he lifted the ring from the box and my heart pounded. I will never forget that moment. It only happened last week so I am still on a pink cloud as each girlfriend screams for joy with me. I now know what it is that everyone has been raving about. I am THRILLED and he is WONDERFUL. I am in love with the perfect man for me...aaaahhhh. At some point I will let him know that I knew he was the one on our very first date :)

A dear friend gave me a card that said...."Yes!" and inside it says, "Lovely, isn't it, how one word can change your life?"

I will sit with this for a while before I begin the splendid plans for the big day...

Did you know?:
Fiancé refers to a male engaged to be married, while fiancée refers to a female engaged to be married.

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